Tuesday 24 April 2012

Six week challenge

I realised a few weeks ago that I will be back in a bikini soon... back in summer. ~Small~ pressure. I started this challenge about two weeks ago... I was doing really well... then came easter, what was I supposed to do with all those eggs? Chuck them out? No. I ate them. I ate all of them... I think I even ate some of the chocolate eggs I gave to my boyfriend. So much for the six week challenge.
Don't worry! I haven't given up!
I work full-time and find it really hard to fit in the gym, but I've managed to fit in 3-4 times a week. This usually consists of a BodyPump class at the gym, some interval training on the treadmil, some bike work and a run outside. I also try and fit in some core work too. My weight hasn't changed too much (I gained a kilo thanks to my revolting easter binge fest), but I feel like my body is toning up for sure!
Yesterday I ran 4.5km around Oliver's Hill (not that far I know) but I tried to really up the pace and including Oliver's Hill I made it in 25minutes.
My bikini's will thank me.

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